**Hello World ** - ReadMe File

Author: Javier Villegas

Modified: 2024-09-04

0. Link to WebGL Build

  No answer given.  

1. What are the controls to your game? How do we play?

  Just hit play and watch the cubes fall!

2. What creative additions did you make? How can we find them?

  I added a trail render to the cubes so they have a light blue that lasts for about two seconds before they go away.

3. Any assets used that you didn't create yourself?

  There were defualt textures in unity that I selected so that the colormof the trail would show.

4. Did you receive help from anyone outside this class?

  I did not get help from people outside of the class

5. Did you get help from any AI Code Assistants?

  I did not use and AI code or get any AI help for this project

6. Did you get help from any online websites, videos, or tutorials?

  I did not get any help from videos

7. What trouble did you have with this project?

  I selected trail renderer for the cube and eventually got a color to work. It wasn't as blue as I would have wanted but I got it working

8. Is there anything else we should know?

  I think that covers everything

Required ReadMe Info for ALL MI 231 Projects

  • Project -
  • Your Name -
  • Date -
  1. What are the controls to your game? How do we play?
  1. What creative additions did you make? How can we find them?
  1. Any assets used that you didn't create yourself? (art, music, etc. Just tell us where you got it, link it here)
  1. Did you receive help from anyone outside this class? (list their names and what they helped with)
  1. Did you get help from any AI Code Assistants? (Tell us which .cs file to look in for the citation and describe what you learned)
  1. Did you get help from any online websites, videos, or tutorials? (link them here)
  1. What trouble did you have with this project?
  1. Is there anything else we should know?